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14K gold earring, embellished with shimmering white pave diamonds. The 'heart shape' is known to be the oldest symbol known to exist, dating back to the beginning of time. In the ancient times, people believed that the heart was the centre of human emotions. It was known, and still is known, to be one of the strongest emotions. It was said when love was the issue, the brain served no actual purpose.
Only sold as pairs.
14K altın ve beyaz pırlantalar ile bezenmiş kalpli halkı küpe. Kalp formu günümüze kadar gelen ve bize aşkı hatırlatan en belirgin şekil olarak bilinir. Antik yunan tarihine göre aşk insanın yaşayabileceği en güçlü his olarak bilinirdi. Öyle ki aşk bedene girdiğinde akıl devreden çıkardı.
Sadece çift olarak satılır.